Sunday, December 13, 2009

Going To Cali

This Saturday I am going to Cali for two weeks for Christmas. Every two years my nino Chris comes out to Cali for Christmas. Usualy when he doesn't come we go out there after Christmas. Iam excited because I haven't seen him for two years so I really want to pick him up from the airport. He is coming a day after us which is a Sunday. We have Winter break for two weeks. I hope you coment on this and I am really going to enjoy Cali.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Best Friend

My best friend is awesome. Her name is Laura Vasquez and she is in my class. We are always partners at school for projects. Right now we are doing a Social Studies project and a Science project. The Social Studies project is to work with a partner on a state and we picked California.
Are Sience project is to make the solar system in a box. So as you can see I LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE her as a sister in christ.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

sleeping over

yesterday slept over @my friends house. It was fun and awesome. I hope you guys comment on this post PLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASE!

Friday, September 4, 2009

my buddy elijah

my buddy lijah is cool. he is almost 4. he is my helper.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Break

Summer break is awesome so far. At the end of JuneI am going to California on the 27 so that's cool. I am coming back the 13 of June. My mom is working summer camp but she asked fo a day of those two weeks. We go every summer out to California and that's really cool. We just watch t.v. asnd play outside.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Crazy Kitty

My cat has been crazy for a couple days. Now she is being lazy she is still wild as she has always been. When we first got her she was scrathing us but then she calmed down.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Selling Girl Scout Cookies

I am the top seller so far with 165 boxes. I might win the award for top seller this year . My goal was to sell 175 boxes, but our troop's goal all together is 800 boxes. I might get up to 200 boxes this year because we are doing cookie booths by selling cookies in front of stores. Last year the leader's daughter won the top seller award, but this year Iwant to win the award.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Song I Wrote

This song that I wrote is called: When I was young

When I was a little girl
I wished upon a star , but it never came true.
When I was a little child my mom told me that wishes aren't
true , but miracles are, I didn't believe her so she told me to pray.
When I was a little girl I prayed and it came true .
When I was a little child my mom told me to eat my fruit , so I can
grow stronger and grow in Christ, so I listened to her and it came
true. When I was a little girl my mom told me to go to church with
her so I can learn more about Christ and I did.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go Cardinals

I think my cards are going to win (but the steelers might win). If they win I will be happy because we won the superbowl. My dad doesn't want them 2 win because the tickets will go up higher next time. My brother says GOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS because they won his Eagles .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My awards assembly

Tommorrow I have a awards assembly at my school for the people who have A's and b's or straight A's like me so I will get a award for straight A's all year long so will my brother.
Some of my friends will be getting awards like me and iam am really excided because I been getting straight A's along time I think it was since I was in preschool exept in first when I got
a b because it was in spanish class.