Monday, January 26, 2009

A Song I Wrote

This song that I wrote is called: When I was young

When I was a little girl
I wished upon a star , but it never came true.
When I was a little child my mom told me that wishes aren't
true , but miracles are, I didn't believe her so she told me to pray.
When I was a little girl I prayed and it came true .
When I was a little child my mom told me to eat my fruit , so I can
grow stronger and grow in Christ, so I listened to her and it came
true. When I was a little girl my mom told me to go to church with
her so I can learn more about Christ and I did.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go Cardinals

I think my cards are going to win (but the steelers might win). If they win I will be happy because we won the superbowl. My dad doesn't want them 2 win because the tickets will go up higher next time. My brother says GOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS because they won his Eagles .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My awards assembly

Tommorrow I have a awards assembly at my school for the people who have A's and b's or straight A's like me so I will get a award for straight A's all year long so will my brother.
Some of my friends will be getting awards like me and iam am really excided because I been getting straight A's along time I think it was since I was in preschool exept in first when I got
a b because it was in spanish class.